Custom allocator. When a custom allocator is not specified, bgfx uses the CRT allocator. Bgfx assumes custom allocator is thread safe.
Provide application specific callback interface. See: bgfx::CallbackI
Enable device for debuging.
Device id. If set to 0 it will select first device, or device with matching id.
Platform data.
Enable device for profiling.
Backbuffer resolution and reset parameters. See: bgfx::Resolution.
Select rendering backend. When set to RendererType::Count a default rendering backend will be selected appropriate to the platform. See: bgfx::RendererType
Vendor PCI id. If set to BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE it will select the first device. - BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE - Autoselect adapter. - BGFX_PCI_ID_SOFTWARE_RASTERIZER - Software rasterizer. - BGFX_PCI_ID_AMD - AMD adapter. - BGFX_PCI_ID_INTEL - Intel adapter. - BGFX_PCI_ID_NVIDIA - nVidia adapter.
Initialization parameters used by bgfx::init.