Selected GPU device id.
Supported texture format capabilities flags: - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_NONE - Texture format is not supported. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2D - Texture format is supported. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2D_SRGB - Texture as sRGB format is supported. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2D_EMULATED - Texture format is emulated. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3D - Texture format is supported. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3D_SRGB - Texture as sRGB format is supported. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3D_EMULATED - Texture format is emulated. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_CUBE - Texture format is supported. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_CUBE_SRGB - Texture as sRGB format is supported. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_CUBE_EMULATED - Texture format is emulated. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_VERTEX - Texture format can be used from vertex shader. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_IMAGE_READ - Texture format can be used as image and read from. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_IMAGE_WRITE - Texture format can be used as image and written to. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_FRAMEBUFFER - Texture format can be used as frame buffer. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_FRAMEBUFFER_MSAA - Texture format can be used as MSAA frame buffer. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_MSAA - Texture can be sampled as MSAA. - BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_MIP_AUTOGEN - Texture format supports auto-generated mips.
Enumerated GPUs.
True when NDC depth is in [-1, 1] range, otherwise its [0, 1].
Renderer runtime limits.
Number of enumerated GPUs.
True when NDC origin is at bottom left.
Renderer backend type. See: bgfx::RendererType
Supported functionality. @attention See BGFX_CAPS_* flags at
Selected GPU vendor PCI id.
Renderer capabilities.