Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
Number of layers in texture array. Must be 1 if caps BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY flag is not set.
Texture format. See: TextureFormat::Enum.
Texture creation (see BGFX_TEXTURE_*.), and sampler (see BGFX_SAMPLER_*) flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat. - BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP] - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap mode. - BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC] - Point or anisotropic sampling.
Texture data. If _mem is non-NULL, created texture will be immutable. If _mem is NULL content of the texture is uninitialized. When _numLayers is more than 1, expected memory layout is texture and all mips together for each array element.
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Create 2D texture.